Completed Projects 2015/2016

Development of Financial Resilience Plan for Nottingham 

– for Advice Nottingham, University of Nottingham, Nottingham City Council, Nottingham Credit Union, funded by various grants and partners.

*  Formation of full Steering Group 13 September and finalisation of plan.

*  Development of Financial Resilience Plan and it’s work.  August 16 onwards.

*  Draft plan - a draft Financial Resilience Plan for Nottingham has been produced.  It was distributed at the city-wide event and is available for comments, on the Advice Nottingham website.

* City-wide event - 'Tackling Money Problems: Improving People's Financial Resilience in Nottingham', held in the city centre on 26 April 2016. Around 100 people attended. The day included workshops to explore issues and plan, a video of people's own stories and presentations from various city leaders.  

 * Strategic links - as a result of the above work, financial resilience now features in the Health and Well-being Strategy and will report to the Health & Wellbeing Board.  It has also been included in the Nottingham MoU for Housing and Health.

January 16 – Spring 16

Assessing the importance of Local Welfare Provision: Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire - Centre for Responsible Credit for Barrow Cadbury Trust

Research into the importance of local welfare schemes and fieldwork with clients and organisations.

November 2015 - Spring 2016

‘Building Better Opportunities/ ESIF D2N2 – Financial Inclusion Stage 2’ – for Advice Nottingham

Assistance with Stage 2 bid for financial inclusion in D2N2


January 16 – Spring 16

Centre for Responsible Credit, ‘Building Financial Resilience Project’

Support for local authorities and partnerships, leading to a range of sub projects

June 2014-December 2015

Advice Nottingham Training Services 

  • Development of a Financial Capability Plan for Children and Adults, as part of the wider Nottingham Financial Inclusion Plan
  • Establishment of Financial Capability Partnership 
  • Design and development of Front Line Staff Training Provision from Advice Nottingham
  • Promotion of Training Hub venue

April-August 2015

Advice Nottingham, Financial Inclusion and ESIF preparation

March-August 2015

Money Maze community events - St Ann's and Bulwell in Nottingham, for The Malt Cross

July 2015

Poolsbrook Primary School, Chesterfield, My Money session with Year 5 & 6, Key Stage 2.

Input for Maths Week, acting as STEM Ambassador

June 2015

Arimathea Trust, Nottingham & Notts Refugee Forum and Belong

Training: Financial inclusion, banking and credit (with reference to refugees)

June 2015

For our 2014/2015 projects click here